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Wholesale Mimosa Hostilis Root Bark | Mimosa hostilis Inner Root Bark (MHRB)

Hostilis Mimosa Root Bark: We offer Mimosa Hostilis inner root bark from a reputed source. A company that has years of experience in harvesting and processing Mimosa Hostilis root bark. We believe that this is the best quality MHRB available on the market. We always offer a freshly harvested batch, not an old stock!

Our supplier – supports sustainable harvesting – only one root is harvested from each plant.
Sadly the greedy suppliers are willing to kill a whole tree, for all its roots.

How do you use the bark of a mimosa hostilis tree?

Considering that the medicine of the tree is in the phloem and cambium of the bark (the inner green layer that allows sap to flow), you need to peel the bark off to make medicine. Mimosa bark peels off easily and leaves behind a smooth, light-weight wood that can be used for arts and crafts.

What is Mimosa tenuiflora bark extract used for?

Aqueous extracts from the bark of Mimosa tenuiflora (Willd.) Poirett (Mimosaceae), tradionally known as “tepescohuite”, are widely used for wound-healing and burns in middle and South America. No pharmacological data are available on the influence of aqueous extracts and high molecular constituents on human skin cells.

What is mimosa bark good for?

This herbal remedy is used not only to calm the spirit and nerves but to promote circulation and relieve suppressed emotions such as depression, irritability, vexation, and malaise. It has also been used to treat cases of insomnia and traumatic injury.

Why is MHRB for sale so good?

It’s that touch of bitterness in both the bubbly wine, and the fruit juice in it, that only enhances a mimosa’s overall pleasantness. Too sweet, and a mimosa might as well be orange soda. Which is why winter citrus work so well.

Brazilian Mimosa Hostilis Root Bark

Brazilian Mimosa Hostilis Root Bark Powder


Brazilian Mimosa Hostilis Root Bark

Brazilian Mimosa Hostilis Root Bark Shredded


Brazilian Mimosa Hostilis Root Bark

Brazilian Mimosa Hostilis Root Bark-Whole
